Monday, December 19, 2016

12 Days of Christmas Blogging - Day 6

Christmas is coming up fast. It won't be long until we are tearing open boxes, eating too much food, and basking in that oh-so-perfect holiday glow. Excited? Me? Absolutely. With every day that passes, I become more eager for everything that awaits. Like those magical Christmas Eve traditions and my all-time favourite holiday movies. As of today, I am halfway through the "12 Days of Christmas Blogging" challenge. That means there are only six days left until Christmas. Remember to enjoy every minute of them!

Day 6: Share a Fond Childhood Christmas Memory

You'd think this would be a hard one. I'm lucky enough to have many wonderful childhood memories, specifically around the holidays. Like lying on the living room floor while my family and I listen to John Denver and the Muppets. Or tobogganing down the hill at the church near our old house. But my favourite memory is one that I share with my brother. We used to spend the days leading up to Christmas coming up with the perfect Christmas morning plan. (It was called "The Plan." Very creative title, I think!) It was very specific....from the time we would wake up to the best way to creep down the stairs to avoid waking up our sister and parents.

We would get up ridiculously early, like 4 or 5, and go through our stockings and Santa bags. Then we would show each other what we got, eat chocolate, and watch whatever Christmas special was playing on TV. It sounds silly but that is a memory I will always cherish. We did this every single year....even when we were way too old. Now that I am married and have moved out? It is something I miss more than I can describe. If only I could go back. Live it one more time.

What is your favourite childhood Christmas memory?

xo Shannon


  1. Awh love this! I used to always look forward to waking up super early to open presents. I would make sure everything was open before the sun was up ;)

  2. very nice pics!
    We'll be in touch!!!!Merry Christmas🌲🌲
